Partilho um filme da animação lindíssimo sobre a leitura e o prazer de mergulhar num livro
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In "Much Better Now", the main character is a bookmark, stuck in a forgotten book, caught in a life marked by standstill in a deserted room. One day wind knocks over the book and blows the bookmark onto the table, separating them. Unfolding hands and feet, the bookmark is swept back into the pages that turn into ocean waves and the two are reunited for a journey. With a surfboard it experiences its environment in a new way -- wipe-outs, washouts and nosedives connect the hero to the ocean. The bookmark enjoys the ride of its life. Project Much Better Now Release Date - Finishing Date 10 2011 Format HDTV720p 5.55min Production Salon Alpin Direction Phillip Comarella, Simon Griesser Team Thomas Welz, Silvio Canazei, Kris Staber, Simon Griesser. Phillip Comarella Music and Sounddesign Silvio Canazei More details:
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